Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Welcome to my new blog. I keep a daily journal -- with sketches and notes for future art work -- but I thought I'd try this as well. I was writing a book and got the new iListen software to help but have hardly used it. Thought this might help me finish.

When I paint in the studio, say on a weekend, the time just vanishes. It's like there is no weekend at all. If the painting goes well there is something to show for it. If not, it's just like missing time. (Though it's possible that one my have learned something about painting.)

But when I paint outdoors, I have much more sense of the day passing -- it becomes an event. People come by or animals do -- or there is a wildfire or a snake or a flock of birds or these wonderful things that happen. Seeing the feral cats come out at the end of the day, for example. Now I dislike seeing feral cats because they eat the native wildbirds and other creatures and wreck the ecosystem, but seeing them gives me a better understanding of what's going on in the area. It's learning something, always.

Last week I had lots of design work (which I love) but I got almost no painting done. I feel I am aching to get out there. It's almost physical. Well maybe the desire for sunlight and fresh air is physical. I did get a rough website up, did a design for a yoga studio in LA. And did three motion graphics pieces for my college's open house. Right now I am researching the blog world for a client.



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