Saturday, September 3, 2016

I was thinking about how the painting I am working on completely reveals my recent feelings (see previous blog), even though it’s just a still life of a bunch of old junk and no one will know.

Click here for the video. 

I am feeling a bit paranoid lately, (the constant stream of job applications and art rejection letters can get to one). It seems that Adobe software company is watching my every computer move. I heard that Congress gave the FBI expanded powers. I was thinking about what Bernie Sanders has been saying in the campaign.
At one point, my computer was acting like it was hacked and when I changed all my passwords, it acted normal again.
Was some hunky agent watching my every move? I wrote him a love song. You guys all know that I still play in bands, right? My main band is The Insufferables. Singer Keith came up with the last line:

FBI song 

When I’m in the cafe
Are you sitting across from me?
Am I under suspicion?
Are you sworn to secrecy?

Yesterday I bought some pot
And there’s nothing wrong with me
I did not report all my tips
But you know that al-rea-dy

hey secret agent, watching everything I do
It’s nice to know someone’s reading all those tweets.
hey secret agent, watching everything I do.
hey secret agent, can you tell me what to do?

Should I leave my current job
And look for something new?
Does my boyfriend really like me,
Or is there someone new?

When I move the cursor,
I feel you by my side.
When I leave my home
Do you slip inside?

hey secret agent, watching everything I do
It’s nice to know someone’s reading all those tweets.
hey secret agent, watching everything I do.
hey secret agent, can you tell me what to do?

Can I really trust you?
Do I have a choice?
Do you control it all now?
Do the people still have a voice?

Do you know my passwords?
Are they strong enough?
Have you seen my photos?
Am I sharing way too much?

Have you seen my band play?
Are you hear tonight?
Did you get a recording?
Does it sound alright?­

hey secret agent, watching everything I do
It’s nice to know someone’s reading all those tweets.
hey secret agent, watching everything I do.
hey secret agent, who is watching you?

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